Week 73 - Are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet?

11:18 AM

Yes it's Taylor Swift (my companion loves Taylor Swift)  

I told her I didn't like this song till she explained the meaning. (that awkward stage when you need to dtr) and now we literally use it as our catch phrase. (but not for relationships, obviously, just for defining what's going on) 
for example:  
 When we went to visit our sick RC (who has chicken pox) and she hugged us before we could pull away. (she looked so miserable I don't think I could've denied her hug, we just prayed really hard it wouldn't spread) so then the next few days we literally asked each other "are we out of the woods are we in the clear?" are you itchy? no. good.  

Also, when your investigator wants to be baptized on Christmas Eve and you have to break it to her that she can't yet...  Are we in or out of the woods? 

Or when your companion says tropical guide instead of topical guide "are you speaking clear yet?" 
okay sorry enough of that! 

This week was fun!  

Thanksgiving was good we ate with our district for lunch at some buffet place... we ate khmer food... haha it was really good though! (but that night Sister Snooks and I caved to cravings and ordered a turkey sandwich with stuffing and cranberry sauce on it )  Downside of the week was Bong Hian dropped us... She said it was all just too hard on her family, but we left things on a good note. We did some service at her house before we headed out . I'm really gonna miss her, but maybe now's just not the time.  

Sooo, the work here is slow right now but that's okay; Sister Snooks and I have a lot of fun contacting. And our investigator who wants to get baptized just needs to finish the lessons (which is tricky when you have business trips) but she's doing great! I'm really excited for her. 

Anyways I'm just really grateful for people and experiences. Spiritual experiences, funny and crazy experiences, and I'm very glad Heavenly Father has blessed me with amazing people to enjoy them with. (both and home and here) 

That is all I have for this week!  

If you really want a good laugh read Sister Snooks email, it's her story so she gets to share. 

Love you all! 

Sister Semones

Sister Snooks blog :  cambodiansistaa.blogspot.com 
 Thanksgiving Dinner - Khmer Style with our District
 Sister Snooks is so funny!
 Two Crazy Sisters!
 Zone Thanksgiving FHE with Pumpkin Pie, we love our Sr. Couples, Bro. and Sister Oveson!

 I love every minute I get with Sister Schwab!
 Caved in to our craving!  Turkey Sandwich

Teaching family history to BM in our branch.  This is a picture of him when he was younger.  He is such a wonderful Branch Missionary.
 A new English class flyer, we think is looks like Sister Snooks and Semones!

Pday is twin day!

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