Week 75 - Heaven is Here!
8:42 PM
Okay, sorry I know this email will seem lame,
but I really don't have much to write about. Our investigators are still
currently gone (business trips and newborn babies). So weird, on
Friday my group had their last zone training. I'm staying longer than them,
but it was weird to see them get up and share their testimony for the last time
(in a missionary group setting). Anyways I am having to come to the realization
that things are rolling fast downhill. I don't want to be leaving all these
amazing people I've met here. I agree with what Sister Schwab who said.
"You just can't picture heaven without them". Anyways that’s all I
have, sorry. But I will see some of you soon through skype!
Love, Sister Semones
These too are working hard and having lotss of fun together.
Look what they created with a few Christmas Decorations!
Cute table!
They have to have lights! It is fun to see all their pictures on the walls by their beds.
Kayla keeps us informed on the behind the scenes! Elders don't mess with the Sistas stuff!
Semones training 101 - how to "return the favor"
Lunch (Hamburgers and Ice Cream) with Sister Semones and Snooks at Carl's Jr in Cambodia!