Week 2 - MTC
6:54 PM
Hey mom thanks so much for the really sweet
packages!!! I was so excited about my BYU nursing shirt!!! I loved the shirt
you bought for me too! I did get the
letter about my scholarship; I'm so excited!! I love you sooooo much it's good
to hear from you and hear that you're doing good! Packages are awesome but
letters are even better! I promise to
hand write a card home soon; there was some confusion as to when we could write
but we got it figured out!
Random, but the Provo temple is sooooo pretty! I
did initiatories last week and received some great advice from an older lady
next to me. She told me when she waits she likes to share her testimony with
the people she's doing work for! I did an endowment session today; it was great.
Everything taught I know is true. It was
so cool to go with Sister Mon, and think about how the people in Cambodia will
be like her. They'll be converts and will someday go through the Thai temple
(hopefully they can afford it). btw Sister Mon is grateful for your prayers! I
LOVE YOU MOM SOOO MUCH AND I MISS YOU!!! Thanks for your encouragement,
example, and strength!
I'll be totally honest I had a really hard week.
Everyday has ups and downs but my lows this week were low. But it's a new week,
so it's behind me. My high point this week was with language! So Khmae is
hard..... HARD!!! Things are starting to ease up a little now that I know how
to sound out words but I move at a slow pace..... I can carry a really simple
conversation, invite someone to be baptized, and open and close prayers by
memory. Other than that I have to glance at notes to make sure I am putting
words into the right grammar structure before I say it... so I would type in
khmae for you but I have no idea how. We actually learn the roman-ii alphabet
to help us transition to the actual script. But anyways my high point is that I
memorized all of the consonants in a couple days! I'm sure Alan and Cameron
think that's no big deal cause they're super brains, but for me it was; it
really been the only part of the language that I've picked up on fast. I'm
working on the vowels now and that's even trickier. So it is pretty crazy; in
script you read left to right and in circles..... mind blown but really; it's
organized chaos!
Sorry I don't have a ton to share honestly I do
the same thing every day; days and hours run together now. Honestly two weeks
in and I'm ready to leave the MTC, I mean it's great, but I'm ready to go serve
the people. So last night I watched Meet the Mormons again. The first couple
times I saw it at home I thought it was okay, but now I love it!!! I had a
totally different perspective watching it in the MTC! They are such great
examples; I hope I can have just as great an impact on people on the mission
and after as well. If you haven't seen
it go watch it!!!! Btw I wish I could listen to David Archuleta's song glorious
I miss the family, but I'm not too homesick yet!
So kind of weird I had a dream last night that Ashley told me she was having a
girl! So when I hopped onto the computer this morning I was surprised to see
that it was a girl!!! yeaaaa
I miss you all! BTW I want cards and letters from
the little cousins I miss you guys!!!
With tons of LOVE, Kendall
Cambodian speaking Sister Missionaries!
Sister Jane Stephens and Sister Semones
MTC District
Thanks for the pillowcase Aunt Stephanie!
Donut Party
Language Class with Sister Semones, Sister Loftus and Sister Rydalch!