Hi family and friends!!!
Sorry, I forgot to
bring my journal today, so this letter might be short.
Let's see... Oon Kaa's still making progress! So people here
have a really hard time understanding and remembering lessons especially lesson
one. Anyways, Oon Kaa was confused about who Joseph Smith was and what he did.
I guess she was getting him confused with John the Baptist (why? I have no
idea). But we decided to show her The Restoration video. Some of the Young
Women in branch three wanted to come and help us teach. We all watched the
video and shared our testimony at the end. It was a great experience and has
helped Oon Kaa progress way more than she was before. She understands things
more clearly now like what Joseph Smith experienced, baptism by priesthood
authority and other concepts. She is definitely more open minded in our lessons
as well. Also last Sunday, Oon Kaa couldn't find a ride to church and I was
worried about yesterday. But her sister and she came in late; I was super
excited! We're still trying to get her
Mom to come. They had to leave during Relief Society but Oon Kaa gave us both a
big hug, which I thought was really sweet because I think she knows now that we
really care about her.
Hoang (the 10 year old daughter of our recent
convert) was interviewed this week. Her baptism is on Sunday! I love her;
she is so cute. I sent a picture of her a couple weeks ago.
Our district did service on Friday; we
went and moved wood for a family. It was the heaviest wood you could imagine. I
took about four of us to lift one plank.
As far as studies
go this week, I’ve been working on the attribute of Faith in Christ. I really
like what the Bible Dictionary said: The Lord has revealed Himself and His
perfect character, possessing in their fulness all the attributes of love,
knowledge, justice, mercy, unchangeableness, power and every other needful
thing, so as to enable the mind of man to place confidence in Him without
I ponderized this
during the week. I know it's not a verse but I think it's powerful! We can
place full confidence in him without reservation. I feel like when I read this
I can feel him close to me and I know he's there for my investigators and
everyone else as well.
Okay sorry for the
short email but I love you all miss you!
Sister Semones
This is Hoang! What a cutie!
Our district service project moving HEAVY planks!
Our district (Elder Hall, Elder Hall, Elder Ros, Elder Slaven, Sister Harris, Sister Rain, Sister Kimball and me, Sister Semones.....we love to serve.
I made the best fresh pico.... so sad I had to use potato chips.... no tortilla chips.
This is a great story! We love Om Chan Tan! She loves to laugh and when Sister Harris was doping her..... there was a big fall and lots of laughter.